Custom animations
May need a bit more technical knowledge but is possible nevertheless. Your first step should be to look at the code in function at-misc:animation/load - that is the place where pre-built animations are stored. Every animation follows this NBT storage pathing scheme:
An animation consists of two NBT tags: count & colors. The first one, count, is just an integer value containing the number of total colors (steps) per animation. The second, colors, is a list of strings containing the individual HEX codes that make up the animation.
The key is to find two colors that match and then generate a gradient between them. I’ve done this with an external tool. If you have found a gradient that you are happy with, copy the colors and put them in the colors list.
AT does not loop around automatically. Going just from color A to B isn’t sufficient - a full animation should look more like this: A > B > A. Best is to try around for yourself until you have your custom gradient.
If you are done, complete the colors list, write the final color count into count, come up with a great and unique animation name, save the file and reload using /reload
Considerations to make when integrating AT in one of your projects:
What kind of timer and style configuration do I need and how to do I implement it?
Do I want something to happen if the timer pauses / continues / reaches zero?
Part of the configuration work for AT can be done via functions in at-conf. Although this just works, it can be tedious or inefficient to run the same command twice or in a specific order to get the style you prefer.
Depending on what you are trying to do, it may make sense to look at functions in at-dcfg namespace. Any command there just does what it’s named like and none of them give any output in form of tellraws.
The namespace at-dext contains four functions that are automatically invoked when a specific action happens within the timer:
Timer start or continue via /function at:continue
or trigger
Timer pause via /function at:pause
or trigger
Timer reset via /function at:reset
or trigger
Timer reboot via /function at:reboot
or trigger
Timer in mode DOWN reaches zero
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